Christmas is Coming – The Time of Gifts!

Yes, after a difficult year in so many ways, it is time to think about our favourite time of year when we remember our friends and our families – and those less fortunate than ourselves.   I know things are not easy for many of us, but I also know, like me, you worry about those in even greater need.  

In Darfur, life has never been so hard.   In the remote villages where Kids for Kids has been helping, children who drank the milk from our little goats are now having children of their own.   But life is even worse than when they themselves were little.  Climate change is affecting us all.  Today, as I write, there are devastating floods in Pakistan.   But has anyone reported the floods in Darfur? Rain destroys straw huts and families lose their homes. Is anyone helping?   Or done something about the terrible walk for water small children make every day in the blistering heat of summer?   Or the absence of even the most basic health care in villages? 

It is up to us!  Kids for Kids continues to show the way.  I cannot begin to tell you how much your donations mean to me.   And now we are waiting to produce our personalised Christmas Gift Certificates.  Please give goats and donkeys and chickens – and water – this Christmas to everyone you know so that I can give your gifts to families in such desperate need.   Have you thought of becoming a Children’s Champion?  Your guaranteed support for three years would mean together we can reassure mothers they are not forgotten.

Our favourite Bear has a new best friend – a little goat!  Specially created for Kids for Kids by Paddington’s illustrator Rob Alley.   Karen Jankel is Michael Bond’s daughter, and she is our Special Guest at our Candlelit Christmas Concert on 1st Dec this year. Do come! Karen will be reading from your favourite Paddington Bear Christmas story.  Your invitation is here!  Come and meet Valerie Singleton OBE and our dear friend Timothy West OBE too, and if you cannot join us in London, then please join us online on 15th Dec and enjoy the very special atmosphere of the Kids for Kids’ Candlelit Christmas Concert and the singing of the children from Queen’s Gate School.  You will love it!

2023 – what will it bring I wonder?   Let’s plan to make it a special year.   Start with a challenge?  You could run a marathon, cycle 100 kms through wonderful countryside, get incredibly muddy in a Mud Race – or invite your friends to share a Cup of Tea and a Piece of Cake….. I shall have a Pimm’s Party! –  and at the same time make a real difference in Darfur.  Take on a Challenge – YOU CAN DO IT!  

NO ONE IS TOO YOUNG – OR TOO OLD – to change the world.   Perhaps not for everyone, but to change it for just one small child is surely a special privilege. 

I think that is why I keep working.   I feel incredibly privileged to be able to help, but I can only do it if you will help me.   I need your help with our events.  Please come!   I am very short of volunteers sadly since Covid.

I need your help to tell people that we really do  change children’s lives whom the world chooses to forget.   It is becoming harder and harder to keep Kids for Kids going, but without Kids for Kids we all know children will suffer.  I can never forget the village leader who walked miles to tell me that when Kids for Kids adopted his village no child died from malnutrition.

And I saw a pair of hornbill in trees we had planted………

Please call 07957206440 or email if you can help by volunteering your time.



Patricia Parker OBE – Founder.

p.s. The wonderful illustration of Paddington with a little kid goat © R.W.Alley will be sold at our Ambassadors’ Ball on Saturday 17th June 2023 – we hope you can join us!

2022 Christmas Mailing Documents (all in one place!):

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