Could you Dance for Darfur?

Could you Dance for the children of Darfur this year and have some FUN with FUN-draising?

We recently received this wonderful video from one of our Kindergartens – do take a look, it is heart-warming!

And it goes to show that children are still able to dance in our Kindergartens, despite the war! Isn’t that incredible?

So we thought – why don’t we all Dance for Darfur this year??

How can you help?

  • Could you hold a Show for us this Summer? We would be so grateful if you could organise a show for the friends and family of your students and donate the proceeds to help us save the lives of the Children in Darfur. Perhaps you could raise enough for five Goats for a family (£250), a Midwife to save babies’ lives (£2,000), a Handpump to provide clean water (£6,500) or even a Kindergarten so children can gain an education & dream of a future out of poverty (£20,000)?
  • Sell drinks & snacks for Donations? Are you already organising a show? Please could you ask for donations for teas, coffees and snacks? Every little helps when you have nothing.
  • Hold a sponsored Dance-athon? Everyone loves a sponsored event – and even better when dance is involved! A few years ago we held a 20-hour online disco for our 20th birthday – it was great fun! And we raised £2,000 – enough for a Midwife! See what crazy sponsored idea you can come up – we can’t wait to hear!
  • Share and support? Do you know anyone else who could Dance for the Children of Darfur this year? Please share this post with them to get them involved and help spread the word about our life-saving projects.

How can I pay in my Donations?

With the horrific violence in Sudan disappearing from media coverage, we desperately need your help to highlight and support the plight of families in Sudan. There really is no one else. We cannot turn our backs on these children. We would be so grateful for any donations you can help us raise!

Please do pay in whatever you can here – Pay in your Fundraising – Kids for Kids

Any Questions?

We would be so grateful if you can support us by Dancing for Darfur!

In the UK? Please do email Charlotte or call her on +44 (0)7818062259 to discuss any of your ideas.

In the US? Please do email Isatou in Washington DC or call her on +1 (571) 774-2668 or email MaryJane in Chicago or call her on +1 (312) 835-9800 to discuss any of your ideas.

In Australia? Please do email Lisa or call her on +61 408826499 to discuss any of your ideas.

We would of course be delighted to come and speak to your students and tell them just how their dancing will be saving children’s lives in Darfur – do just let us know!

I do hope we can work together and see how many more children we can help to go to school, to sing, act and dance in safety.

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