From Darfur to Downing Street – Celebrating 23 Years Changing Lives

Kids for Kids, the only charity dedicated to transforming the lives of children in Darfur, Sudan, marked its 23rd birthday with a special celebration at No. 11 Downing Street, hosted by The Rt Hon Mr Jeremy Hunt MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Thursday 7th March 2024.

Hunt opened the celebration, which welcomed long-term supporters of the charity, by saying: “This is an amazing and wonderful cause. I was incredibly impressed by Kids for Kids and I want to thank you all for your commitment to it and the incredible difference you are making to the lives of children in and around Darfur. It is absolutely incredible”.

Long-standing Patron of Kids for Kids, Dame Joanna Lumley DCMG FRGS was guest of honour at the event and took to the floor to say just why she is such a firm believer in the charity. “Kids for Kids, that sounds easy. Give kids so that they will produce milk, that means that children can be nourished, that means that yoghurt can be sold, that means that little families can stay together. But beyond that, those children have to go to school. So, Patricia decided to set up schools and to train teachers. Beyond that, the kids had to be looked after because they needed veterinary treatment. So, vets were trained. The children came from mothers, and mothers needed midwives. So, midwives were trained. All of it seemed to make absolute sense. The water pumps were put in, and the people there were taught how to maintain the water pumps. Look after them. This is literally common sense. This is how, if I may say, a woman would have thought about it.”

Other Patrons of the charity, celebrating with Kids for Kids, included Eamonn Holmes OBE, The Lord Cope of Berkeley PC, Dame Rosalind Marsden DCMG, and Timothy West CBE, all committed to supporting the long-term success of Kids for Kids’ projects to transforming children’s lives in Darfur.

Founded in 2001 by Patricia Parker OBE, Kids for Kids has been instrumental in lifting families out of abject poverty in Darfur, providing vital support and resources even in the face of ongoing conflict and crisis. For over two decades, Kids for Kids has worked directly with communities in Sudan, implementing sustainable projects that have lifted families out of poverty and strengthened entire villages.

Darfur currently faces “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today”, according to the UN, but, despite the relentless turmoil and violence in the region, Kids for Kids has remained steadfast in its commitment to making a difference.

“The situation in Sudan is forgotten. The world seems to have turned its back. It is heart-breaking. But in Darfur, amidst the instability and devastation, Kids for Kids stands as a beacon of hope,” says Patricia Parker OBE, Founder of Kids for Kids. “Our sustainable projects have transformed and saved the lives of countless children and families, providing essential support in the face of unimaginable challenges.”

The recent escalation of violence and unrest in Sudan underscores the urgent need for humanitarian aid. With communication networks disrupted and millions of people displaced, the situation is dire. Kids for Kids is committed to providing both emergency assistance and long-term support to those in need.

“While the situation in Sudan is dire, there is hope in the resilience of its people,” adds Parker. “Through our collective efforts, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families, offering them a brighter future amidst the darkness of conflict.”

As Kids for Kids celebrates its 23rd birthday, the charity reaffirms its commitment to empowering communities, providing essential aid, and ensuring a better tomorrow for the children of Darfur.

Kids for Kids is keen to find Children’s Champions who can commit to supporting their sustainable projects for three years. Patricia Parker OBE explains – “By promising to support a project of your choice – Goat loans, Clean Water, Healthcare, Education – you will help us keep our promises to families in Darfur. They have given up hope in the international community – but not in Kids for Kids. We would never let a child down. When you have so little every one of our projects makes a tangible difference.”

To find out more about becoming a Children’s Champion, click here.

Photos courtesy of Tina Cleary Photography.

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