KIDS FOR KIDS transforms the lives of the forgotten children of Darfur, Sudan

Out of sight of the world children are living lives of inexcusable and unimaginable hardship

In the forgotten region of Darfur, conditions are bleak.
The bitter war is ongoing. Violence is rife.
Hospitals are barely functioning.
Food is scarce. Mothers are struggling to feed their children.

There is no water, no electricity, no roads, little education – and no health care. Children live in huts made of straw, they sleep directly on the sand. Water is miles away across the desert, and this year they face starvation in the wake of the worst drought for years followed by devastating floods.

Children are hungry, thirsty and living in conditions that shouldn’t exist in the 21st Century.
Children don’t deserve to be let down by the world.

All our projects are sustainable.
Families tell us we have changed the lives of their children long-term. 
As soon as it is possible, we will be ready to provide whatever is needed. These children should not be left to die.

Kids for Kids is the only voice of the forgotten children of Darfur

Since 2001 we have been changing lives – one GOAT at a time.
Our Goat loan is our key project – but we do much more.

We sit with the families who tell us what will help most.
They run the projects themselves with our support. 
We lift individual families out of abject poverty and transform the lives of whole communities long-term.  

Darfur is at the forefront of Global Warming.

Kids for Kids’ trees are holding back the desert and proving we CAN do something about CLIMATE CHANGE.

Real Sustainability in Practice.

We don't believe in Charity. We believe in helping people to help themselves.
  • Together, we adopt whole communities – 110 villages so far – and listen to what the Villagers say will help the most.
  • Our GOAT loans provide protein-rich milk to malnourished children. The poorest families receive 5 Goats. After 2 years, once the little flock has grown, 5 Goats are then passed on to another family.
  • DONKEYS carry heavy loads. CHICKENS provide eggs for the elderly.
  • HANDPUMPS provide clean water in our villages.
  • TREES and sustainable forests slow the spread of the desert, turning it green.
  • KINDERGARTENS give children an education and a future out of poverty.
  • But most importantly, we TRAIN the villagers how to manage the projects so they are sustainable.

Join our fabulous Patrons

Dame Joanna Lumley DBE FRGS, Miriam Margolyes OBE, Timothy West CBE, and many others support our life-changing projects to change children’s lives.

"Your wonderful donations go to those who need them the most"

- Joanna Lumley OBE FRGS

Together we really can change lives long term.

Upcoming Events

August 2024
Aug 10
10 August 2024
Soul Barns Welnness Centre, Nightingale Lane, Mortimer RG7 3PS, Nightingale Lane, Mortimer
Reading, RG7 3PS United Kingdom
October 2024
Oct 12
12 October 2024
Park Lake, Albury Estate GU5 9JA
Join us

Be our new Fundraising Officer!

Are you passionate about using your skills to help children in Darfur, Sudan, trapped in the middle of horrendous fighting? We are looking for a Fundraising Officer to join our…
Salsa Class 4

Salsa Class Supports Sudan

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our Beginner Salsa Class in Purley on Thames on Friday 28th June 2024. Local Salsa tutors, Russell Morse and his…

Kids for Kids transforms the lives of individuals and whole communities

Since 2001 we have adopted


Children are hungry, thirsty and at risk.
You can help us change their lives.