Donate to our Sudan Emergency Appeal to Help People in Darfur, Sudan

Patricia Parker OBE, Founder and CEO of Kids for Kids, asks that you please donate to our Emergency Appeal to help us save children’s lives in Darfur, Sudan.

Just over a year ago the most appalling violence broke out in Sudan. There has been an unprecedented humanitarian crisis which has led to over a million people fleeing the country.  In Darfur intense fighting is being reported in the regional capital of North Darfur, El Fasher.  Countless people who have taken refuge in the city now face starvation.

We have heard that fire is being used as a weapon of war, with entire villages in the El Fasher region being burnt to the ground.  Fire spreads rapidly, especially in the heat of summer,  when homes are huts made of straw and are tinder dry.  Precious possessions have gone in an instant. People have lost everything and there is no one to help. There is no aid reaching families struggling to feed their children in remote villages. Children are starving – it is so frightening.

Can we help? Yes absolutely. We are being asked for seed so mothers can feed their hungry children, mosquito nets to protect against malaria, veterinary drugs to improve the health of our goats, and spare parts to repair our handpumps so clean water can flow again – all items we include in our integrated sustainable package of projects which we provide to every one of our villages as we adopt them.

We will be acting quickly to provide help as soon as it is safe to do so, first emergency aid and then our desperately needed Kids for Kids’ projects from water to animals. 

Currently the UN is negotiating humanitarian access, and we will be able to join with them. There is no other organisation even attempting to provide vital life-saving help to children in the remote villages of Darfur. This is a terrible situation.  The world is turning a blind eye on Sudan.  The silence is deafening.

We need your help to tell people about the tragedy in Sudan and to help us to make a direct difference.   We need to be ready.   Our sustainable projects have never been more needed. In our 110 villages hand pumps are working day and night as more and more people move to be near them.   Women expecting babies are crowding into our Kids for Kids villages because in everyone we have provided trained midwives.  There is goat’s milk for children to drink.  We need to provide much more as soon as access is possible.

Please donate to the Greatest Need so we are ready to provide desperately needed Emergency Aid as soon as we can, and to prepare for the future when we will be adopting more villages.  People need us.  We cannot let them down.

Kids for Kids is needed more than ever.

Please Donate now to help save lives in Darfur, Sudan.

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