Fishing for Goats in Great Numbers!

Saturday 8th October marked our annual Fly Fishing Event: Fishing for Goats! – and what an extraordinary day it was at Park Lake, Albury.

We were blessed with summer conditions, still waters, blue skies, and absolutely beautiful sunshine for October. Although this did not make the fishing very easy, everyone had a fantastic time and have said they want to come again next year!

Early warning for next year’s fishing date –  Saturday 7th October 2023!

We managed to raise the most funds ever for our fishing day – a fantastic £1,988.51!

This amount has enabled us to provide 12 Goats for families still at risk of starvation in Darfur. This has been one of the worst year’s to date and we are so grateful to our wonderful supporters for helping us to provide emergency help to people suffering the famine. We are not an emergency organisation, but when no one else is helping families in rural Darfur villages we have had no choice – we cannot let people or animals starve.

We are so grateful to our wonderful fishing instructors and volunteers who provided all our fishermen – and women! – with delicious breakfast, lunch, and kept them supplied with tea and coffee throughout the day.  Thank you so much to all who joined us! Please spread the word about our annual Fly Fishing event, and make sure you get some friends on board to join you next October.


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