Sad and Happy Times for Um Kaltoum

This is Um Kaltoum with 2 of her 5 children.

She lives in Jafaina, a village we adopted in 2018.

Being one of our poorest families in Jafaina, you helped us give Um Kaltoum 5 Goats, a Donkey & 2 Mosquito nets in September 2018.

Um Kaltoum looked after her Goats beautifully and in 2019, was blessed with 3 little kids and then in 2020, 6 more kids. She could feed her children protein-rich goat’s milk and help stave off starvation.

SADLY, in 2021, 3 of her goats died and then heart-breakingly her husband Ibrahim also died later that year.

Um Kaltoum was forced to sell 5 male Goats to help pay for family maintenance and her children’s education.

HAPPILY this year, however, her Goats have had 4 kids, she now has 16 Goats in total and 5 are pregnant.

Being a subsistence farmer, Um Kaltoum has also managed to plant 6 acres of millet, 3 acres of sorghum and 2 acres of okra.

She hopes to harvest enough to feed her family and perhaps have some left to sell.

So the future is bright for Um Kaltoum and her family – all thanks to you!

Please can you help more families like Um Kaltoum’s benefit from our wonderful Goat Loan?

Donate a Goat today and we will create a unique Christmas Gift Certificate for your loved one!

Find out more: A Christmas Gift with Meaning

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