Prizes for our Child Shepherds

We are delighted that, following a difficult 2 years in Sudan, with the Covid pandemic, government instability and the very bad rainy season last year, the postponed Goat rotation was finally able to take place recently in Jafaina, a village we adopted in 2018.

Our team in Darfur met with the Village Sheikh Mohammed Yagoub Mohammed, the paravets, the first aid workers, the animal loan committee members and Goat beneficiaries to review the current situation and perform the goat rotation, whereby 5 goats from each family who have recently benefitted from our Goat loan are passed on to another of the poorest families to benefit.

It was reported that all Goat beneficiaries have cared brilliantly for their goats who have consequently produced more kids which has led to 100% rotation – amazing news!

Paravets Amir Ishag Adam and Ibtisam Ali Adam are doing very well.  They visit beneficiaries at their houses, inspecting their goats and donkeys, treating the ill and advising beneficiaries to care well for their animals. 22 new kids were produced last month. Paravet Amir treated 101 cases and Paravet Ibtisam Adam treated 91 cases.

The Animal Loan Committee Leader Hawa Ahmed commented that the beneficiaries have cared well for their goats and donkeys, they have also benefited from the goat’s milk in feeding their children, the blankets protected the children against chest infections in cold weather and mosquito nets protected them against malaria. He also added that many beneficiaries have used the donkey ploughs in ploughing so many of them have gained good harvest from their farms this year.

Excitingly rewards were given to 5 families who had the largest flock of Goats – the highest being 51 goats in 4 years which is incredible!

These families received a water set each and the child shepherds received t-shirts, volleyballs and footballs.

Now that the Goat rotation has gone so well, the village have requested that we consider providing a youth centre, kindergarten and literacy classes for the young to help give them a future out of poverty.

Can you help us change these young lives? Please give what you can for their future – Every little helps!

Could you donate 30 Bricks to help build a Kindergarten?   Or could you donate Education for one child for a year?

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