
Here are just a few of the ways you could help to raise much needed funds:

  • Host a “Smallest Coffee Morning“!
  • Run a garage sale, or a stall at your local fair, to attract donations while also raising awareness
  • Why not organise your own event? Use Virgin Money Giving to set up your fundraising page!
  • Hold a Street Collection! Get a group of friends together or involve your children and teach them all about the importance of helping others.
  • Ask your local newsagent or favourite coffee shop if they will display a Kids for Kids Collecting Tin
  • Invite a Speaker from Kids for Kids to your club, church or group

Recycling and Selling for Kids for Kids

  • Recycle your printer inkjet cartridges and raise funds by registering to support us at Recycle 4 Charity. This simple and free service will raise £1 for each ‘wanted’ cartridge that is recycled.
  • Sell items for us (or donate a %) on e-bay.

If you are interested in any of these ideas, or have ideas of your own that could help our work with children and families in Darfur, please do get in touch.

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