Unusual gift? Give a Lottery Ticket!

Give a Kids for Kids Lottery Ticket, and you may be giving £500… every month!

The Kids for Kids 100 Club Lottery is a way of helping children in Darfur, and winning a prize yourself – or for the lucky recipient of your gift – every month.  Half the lottery money each month helps to buy goats in Darfur, and the rest is that month’s prize, giving you the chance of winning up to £500.

Each month’s draw takes place at the end of that month, with up to £500 allocated as that month’s prize to the lucky winner, and up to £500 given to help children in Darfur*.  100 tickets are available at just £10 a month each (£120 a year).  You may purchase as many tickets as you like, either for yourself or as an exciting Gift!  Pay either annually or monthly by Standing Order.  We will send you details of your Kids for Kids’ 100 Club Lottery Number/s and you will automatically be entered into the Prize Draw every month.   The odds are extremely good, with some lucky supporters winning more than once already.

Just think – with the winning ticket, you could give gifts to your children, your grandchildren, or have a treat yourself, knowing that children in Darfur are benefiting each and every month.  With a maximum of 100 in the Club the odds are much better than the National Lottery!  And Kids for Kids wins too.

In the first year we provided 6 goats and a donkey to 20 families in Darfur – and in two years another 20 families benefited from the first year of our Lottery, and then another 20 every two years after that! 

Children desperately need milk right now, and this is our way to thank you, and to help them.  Every month we will be helping more children, thanks to the 100 Club.

Do join the lottery now to secure your ticket(s)!  Print, complete and return this form and please email us so that we know your form is on the way!

Good luck!

*Note: If fewer than the maximum of 100 tickets are sold in any month, the prize for that month will be 50% of the total sum invested for that period.

Please get in touch with any questions: contact@kidsforkids.org.uk / 07957206440

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