A PDF of our full Appeal for Soap is available by clicking here.  Please will you send it to your friends and ask them to donate?  This is the most desperate appeal we have ever made and we need your help urgently to provide families with soap. Please also visit our News Page, with updated information about COVID-19 in Darfur.

Prevention and social distancing are the only known ways to stop COVID-19 from spreading.

There is no health care in villages in Darfur, Sudan, but I believe we can help.  Please will you enable us to provide five bars of soap to each family in the Kids for Kids villages?  We need it right now, if there is to be a chance of making a difference. We must help to stop the spread as quickly as possible.  We are told social distancing and washing properly with soap and waterworks.  Soap breaks down the structure of the virus.  We must provide soap, now.  The Government of Sudan is targeting towns and markets, but their message will not reach remote villages.  We can. We also intend to give each family an illustrated instruction sheet showing them how to wash their hands properly.  With so little water this is imperative.  We will of course continue to do all we can to provide more handpumps.  Water has always been our first concern. £20 will provide 5 bars of soap, illustrated instruction leaflets, and transportation to the village – for 10 families.  Just £380 per village; an average of 225 families in each. There are 105 Kids for Kids villages, but over 900 in Darfur.  Every family needs our help and every single bar of soap will make a difference.  I would appreciate any help you can give by donating soap. Please watch this video.  Really clear advice from Dr. Clifford Mann OBE, the NHS lead for emergencies, being interviewed by Dr Omar Bagadi, about the implications for Sudan, and the rest of us.  Please look after yourself and your family.  We are not going to be clear of the danger for many months.  The virus has reached Darfur now and people are dying in El Fasher and Mellit towns.  In rural villages of Darfur where water is scarce, where people are struggling to eat, the danger is very real.  We must provide soap – urgently.  And all our other help – if you would like to learn more about our water projects, please click here. “People ask me how families can isolate in Darfur.  I’m afraid the simple answer is, they cannot.  They eat together, sharing a dish and eating with their right hands.  That is why washing is imperative – and washing properly, not sparingly as is normal because of the absence of clean running water close at hand in any village.  We are doing our best to drill more handpumps but there is a lack of fuel across the whole of Sudan which means the drilling rig cannot move at the moment.  They cannot store food for more than a short time because of the heat and the lack of electricity (fridges etc) so shopping in markets – if they have the money – means again, it is impossible to isolate.”  – Patricia Parker MBE, Founder.  As you know I have already been asking help to provide goat’s milk for children and eggs for the elderly, to help them build up resistance, as anyone who is malnourished will have even less of a chance against the virus.  But it is equally important to stop the virus now, before it is too late.  Soap will save lives. Listen here to learn more about our Appeal for Soap as on BBC Radio Sussex, 18th April 2020: Please donate if you can, at this link here.  To donate from outside the UK, please see our Project Appeal on GlobalGiving.  Visit our News Page for regularly updated news about COVID-19 in Darfur. Please can you also download our Urgent Soap Appeal as a PDF and send it to your friends asking them to donate?  To learn more about Kids for Kids, please watch this recent interview with Patricia Parker MBE. And if you prefer to support by sending a cheque, please mark it ‘Soap Appeal’ and send to the following address: Patricia Parker, Kids for Kids, P.O. Box 456, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2WS Thank you all so much. For Questions and Press Enquiries please get in touch: contact@kidsforkids.org.uk / 07957 206440
A PDF of our full Appeal for Soap is available by clicking here.  Please will you send it to your friends and ask them to donate?  This is the most desperate appeal we have ever made and we need your help urgently to provide families with soap. Please also visit our News Page, with updated information about COVID-19 in Darfur.

Prevention and social distancing are the only known ways to stop COVID-19 from spreading.

There is no health care in villages in Darfur, Sudan, but I believe we can help.  Please will you enable us to provide five bars of soap to each family in the Kids for Kids villages?  We need it right now, if there is to be a chance of making a difference. We must help to stop the spread as quickly as possible.  We are told social distancing and washing properly with soap and waterworks.  Soap breaks down the structure of the virus.  We must provide soap, now.  The Government of Sudan is targeting towns and markets, but their message will not reach remote villages.  We can. We also intend to give each family an illustrated instruction sheet showing them how to wash their hands properly.  With so little water this is imperative.  We will of course continue to do all we can to provide more handpumps.  Water has always been our first concern. £20 will provide 5 bars of soap, illustrated instruction leaflets, and transportation to the village – for 10 families.  Just £380 per village; an average of 225 families in each. There are 105 Kids for Kids villages, but over 900 in Darfur.  Every family needs our help and every single bar of soap will make a difference.  I would appreciate any help you can give by donating soap. Please watch this video.  Really clear advice from Dr. Clifford Mann OBE, the NHS lead for emergencies, being interviewed by Dr Omar Bagadi, about the implications for Sudan, and the rest of us.  Please look after yourself and your family.  We are not going to be clear of the danger for many months.  The virus has reached Darfur now and people are dying in El Fasher and Mellit towns.  In rural villages of Darfur where water is scarce, where people are struggling to eat, the danger is very real.  We must provide soap – urgently.  And all our other help – if you would like to learn more about our water projects, please click here. “People ask me how families can isolate in Darfur.  I’m afraid the simple answer is, they cannot.  They eat together, sharing a dish and eating with their right hands.  That is why washing is imperative – and washing properly, not sparingly as is normal because of the absence of clean running water close at hand in any village.  We are doing our best to drill more handpumps but there is a lack of fuel across the whole of Sudan which means the drilling rig cannot move at the moment.  They cannot store food for more than a short time because of the heat and the lack of electricity (fridges etc) so shopping in markets – if they have the money – means again, it is impossible to isolate.”  – Patricia Parker MBE, Founder.  As you know I have already been asking help to provide goat’s milk for children and eggs for the elderly, to help them build up resistance, as anyone who is malnourished will have even less of a chance against the virus.  But it is equally important to stop the virus now, before it is too late.  Soap will save lives. Listen here to learn more about our Appeal for Soap as on BBC Radio Sussex, 18th April 2020: Please donate if you can, at this link here.  To donate from outside the UK, please see our Project Appeal on GlobalGiving.  Visit our News Page for regularly updated news about COVID-19 in Darfur. Please can you also download our Urgent Soap Appeal as a PDF and send it to your friends asking them to donate?  To learn more about Kids for Kids, please watch this recent interview with Patricia Parker MBE. And if you prefer to support by sending a cheque, please mark it ‘Soap Appeal’ and send to the following address: Patricia Parker, Kids for Kids, P.O. Box 456, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2WS Thank you all so much. For Questions and Press Enquiries please get in touch: contact@kidsforkids.org.uk / 07957 206440

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