Appeal for Help as Floods Strike Darfur and Inflation Soars

The people of Darfur are struggling to feed their families as food prices soar. The Sudanese economy is in crisis, with inflation increasing from 144% in July to a massive 167% in August.   The Sudanese Government has declared an economic state of emergency.

Soaring prices mean that people in Darfur are unable to afford to buy basic staples to feed their families. At the same time recent floods have washed away thousands of homes, leaving people homeless. All deliveries to the area are disrupted.   The hardship families are facing every day is unimaginable.

 Picture of a Mother and child in Darfur
Mothers are unable to afford food leaving children at risk.

Widespread flooding means that moquitoes are breeding frighteningly fast so that malaria is on the rise. Children already suffering from malnutrition are even more at risk – the situation is becoming more dire every day. Meanwhile, as in the rest of the world, COVID-19 continues to spread.

Picture of children in Darfur - Kids for Kids
Children are as risk of malnutrition and malaria due to flourishing mosquitoes.

We are calling on our supporters to help by donating to Kids to Kids to support families through this difficult time.

Donate now for the greatest need and your donation will be used where it is most needed in Darfur today!


Text FLOOD 5 or FLOOD 10 to 70470 to donate £5 or £10 to provide soap and mosquito nets.

Texts cost £5 or £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 or £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text FLOODNOINFO 5 or FLOODNOINFO 10 to 70470.

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