Water – the Gift of Life in Darfur this Christmas

Water – the Gift of Life in Darfur this Christmas

This Christmas, as we enjoy the festivities, children in Darfur are still walking for many hours across the desert to fetch water, just to survive.  Can you imagine a life like this, where every day you get up, walk for water, and arrive home with just enough time for chores, perhaps a meal, and then to sleep and do it all again in the morning?  Children have a right to clean water, food, shelter and an education.  These are the very basics of life and this is why Kids for Kids includes handpumps and water carts in our grassroots projects when we adopt villages.

We have just had a wonderful report from Hassan in Darfur, where great progress is being made.  He reports:  “4 Handpumps have been installed this year so far at Hillat Kharif, Amar Gadid, Azagarfa, and Dor Farzy, drilling has just started at Abu Degeise and a further 5 projects are progressing well.  In one village we drilled but did not find water, so we are in discussions with village leaders about alternative sites”  Communities in Darfur are celebrating their new Handpumps.  This means a new life for everyone, with clean water, no more walking, and the children can go to school.

We are absolutely delighted to tell you that the children of the International School of Brooklyn have been an incredible help for this project, raising funds with a sponsored ‘Walk for Water’.  What an inspiration!  We couldn’t resist sharing a couple of their photos (see below).  Aren’t they amazing?  How about suggesting this to your local school or organisation too?

Please help us to install more hand pumps in Darfur, so children can go to school instead of walking for water every day.  Gift Certificates are available – make your presents count this Christmas and New Year!  Thank you.

£60 buys a little donkey to carry water for a family

£500 pays for a repair to a handpump – it is heartbreaking to see them idle!

£6,500 funds a handpump for a whole community

£20,000 provides a submersible pump for not just one village but 6 surrounding villages too

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes for a peaceful and Happy Christmas 2015 from all of us at Kids for Kids


walk for water from isb site ISB walk for water 2

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