URGENT: Three Things You Can Do Right Now

“Life is at its most precarious in the villages of Darfur this year.  When I returned to England, after my long awaited visit to our villages this Spring,  I knew we faced the biggest challenge ever.  The risk of starvation to countless families this summer is real and I was determined to do all I could to raise awareness of such a terrible disaster and to ask your help,” said Patricia Parker, MBE Founder of Kids for Kids.  “What I could not have predicted was the pandemic, and its potential consequences in a region where there is no health care.  There are three things we can do – please help me!

1 – Provide soap.  We are told that washing hands properly with soap and water is the best, and perhaps the only, realistic defence against this terrible virus. Read our Soap Appeal now and Donate Soap Here!

2 – Provide Goats and Chickens.
   Goat’s milk will help build up the strength of children who are malnourished, and the chickens we give to the frail elderly give them eggs, a source of protein and vitamins they are unable to afford for themselves. Give a Goat for children or Give Three Chickens and a Rooster for the elderly – or give both!!

3 –
Provide water.   Our water projects are ongoing.  We do everything we can to drill as many handpumps as possible.  Where it is not possible, or when fuel is unavailable for the drilling rigs, or spare parts cannot be imported because the country is virtually bankrupt, then we provide water carts, water tanks and jerry cans.  People don’t even have enough money to replace jerry cans – which are essential because no village has running water – anywhere.  Think of that.  Donate towards our water projects.

Last week there were fires in four Kids for Kids villages and families lost everything. If you can help us provide essential items to these families, we would be very grateful.  Donating towards the greatest need is also a great way to help where it is needed most. Decide exactly how much you’d like to give, and enable us to put your donation towards what families need most in Darfur at the time. Donate here.

Please can you see what you can do to help?  Telling people about the desperate situation families face in Darfur would be a positive way.

If you would like to learn more about how our long term projects transform the lives of whole communities, please do look at the About Us pages – all the 100 Kids for Kids villages are stronger and our families have a better chance of surviving the virus.

Thank you,


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