Kids for Kids Celebrates 20 Years!

Something to Celebrate! This year, 2021, marks our 20th anniversary! That’s two decades of transforming the lives of over 550,000 people in 105 villages in one of the most inaccessible areas of the world. Please join our Founder Patricia Parker and Trustees on our Birthday on 8th March 2021 – International Women’s Day – when we are inviting you to join our virtual Birthday Celebratory Evening.  This year of course we cannot yet meet in person so please join our Virtual Party via Zoom at 7.00p.m.   Patricia will bring you up to date with the news from Darfur.  Join our Patrons, Trustees and find out why people have been supporting Kids for Kids, some for all of our 20 years! There will be messages from friends from around the world, including special friends from Sudan, and we will be inviting you to join in too with our Kids for Kids Quiz – testing your knowledge of all you will learn on the evening, from how to tell a goat from a sheep to how many kids you have helped us lend to children!   And please think about what you would like us to do in our next 20 years.  There is something for everyone so come and join the celebrations and let’s make this year our best year yet! As well as our Big Birthday Celebrations on 8th March we are planning more fun birthday Challenges and Events 2021 and would love you to get involved! Fancy raising vital funds by taking on a sponsored Challenge 20 for our 20th year? Or dancing the night away at our Greatest of All Time (GOAT!) Virtual Disco on 6th March?  Have a disco night with friends from all over – and if you want to add to the fun, challenge friends to get sponsored for 20 hours of dancing – or 20 friends to do 20 minutes each?!   Choose your music – we’ll pass on messages – let’s dance! Please do take time to hear more from Patricia Parker MBE, Founder of Kids for Kids, in her recent message BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS 2021and learn about our Achievements in Darfur 2020 and what we have planned for the future to help more families in desperate need in Darfur. YOUR SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER? With Valentine’s Day coming up on 14th February, why not give your loved one a gift to remember?  See our LOVE-ly Valentine’s Certificate. And with Mother’s Day  on 14th March, why not change a Mother’s life in Darfur by donating a goat and receive a beautiful personalised Gift Certificate to present to your own lovely Mum?

The people of Darfur really do need us more than ever now. Please do consider becoming a Become a Childrens Champion or even Leave a Lasting Legacy for Kids for Kids – your support will change lives for years to come. FEELING LUCKY?   Fancy your chances of Winning the Lottery, what better Lottery than the Kids for Kids 100 Club where every ticket you purchase helps improve the lives of children living in extreme poverty in Darfur?   Give a ticket to a friend – a chance of winning all year.

The documents mentioned are included in our 2021 Spring Mailing and Email. If you haven’t signed up already for our news mailings, then please get in touch. We only send two mailings a year, and we would love to include you!

2021 Spring Mailing Documents (all in one place!):


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