Girls Lift Lockdown Blues to Dance for Darfur

A group of young girls aged 11 and 12 have decided to put their love of dancing to good use and spread joy this lockdown to support us in raising much-needed funds for the children of Darfur.

Alice Bodimeade (12), Maegan Tovey (12), Laila Ball (11) and Rosetta Logan (11) are hoping to lift the lockdown blues by helping to organise the Greatest of All Time (GOAT!) Virtual Disco on Saturday 6th March to encourage friends and family to get together online, have fun dancing and support Kids for Kids who have been helping the forgotten children of Darfur in Sudan for the past 20 years.

These dance-loving girls understand that in Darfur children of their age and younger desperately need their help right now. Families are living off one scant meal a day and starvation is a very real threat. Flash floods have washed away crops, inflation is over 300% and, with the average annual wage being the equivalent of £12, it is hard to know how they can survive.  The cost of basic essentials has sky-rocketed, there’s very limited access to clean water, healthcare and education. Kids for Kids’ projects help change all that, starting with goats to help provide nutritious milk to protect against malnutrition and allowing mother’s an income for the first time by selling excess milk & yoghurt.  Kids for Kids lend the goats so that, when the same number are then passed on to another family two years later, more and more children benefit from just one goat loan. Kids for Kids also install hand-pumps for access to clean water, build kindergartens and health and veterinary centres, train paravets, first aiders and, crucially, village midwives. The list goes on…and Kids for Kids has been doing all this for 20 years!

So, in celebration of Kids for Kids’ 20th anniversary in March, the girls are helping to organise our Greatest of All Time (GOAT!) Virtual Disco which will last a whopping 20 hours! The fun will start online at 12pm on Saturday 6th March and continue through the night until 8am on Sunday 7th March so that children and adults, friends and family, can join to cheer them on, raise valuable funds and dance away their lockdown blues at a time that suits them. Everyone welcome, there’s no need to dance for the 20 hours – just join for 20 mins, 2 hours, as long as you like – and invite 20 friends! There will be disco classics, latest chart-toppers, requests and shout-outs – something for everyone! Come along and show off your GOAT (Greatest of All Time) Moves!  See what these super girls say below:

Rosetta Logan (11) realises that lots of people need a lift this lockdown and encourages everyone to join this GOAT Virtual Disco. Rosetta says, “When I’m happy, sad or angry, I just put on the music and I just dance. Dancing gives me the feeling of being free. It’s a terrible experience for the people in Darfur. I really want to help them and help get the food and the medication they need.”

Alice Bodimeade (12) also loves to express her feelings through dance and says she was keen to join this project because she loves helping people and seeing people happy. Alice says, “I know lots of people need help in the world especially during these times. It makes me realise how fortunate I am to have food and water.”

Laila Ball (11) explains why she too was keen to get involved with disco. “I love to dance with friends and it gives me a nice feeling inside to be able to help the children in Darfur at the same time.”

Maegan Tovey (12) has been dancing since she was 2 years old and doesn’t feel she’s stopped since!  “Dancing has always been my passion because it is a way I can feel free, more relaxed, calm. Even if I am sad I get up and the music makes me move and have a good time. We are organising this Virtual Disco for Kids for Kids as I thought what a good way to help those people get food and water whilst participating in something that I love doing. So come and join us for as many hours as you like and have a boogie!”

Come and join the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) Virtual Disco at any time from Sat 7th March 12pm until Sun 8th March 8am and dance away your lockdown blues!

Tickets available for a min. donation of £10 per family, join at a time that suits you for as long as you like. There will be disco classics, latest chart-toppers, requests and shout-outs – something for everyone!

For further details of this Greatest of All Time (GOAT) Virtual Disco and to support these motivational girls, click here.

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