Making sure Goats really do work Miracles

Making sure Goats really do work Miracles

You can sense the bright new hope all around the 8 new villages that Kids for Kids has adopted this year.  Our Programme Manager Dr Salim and his team are rushed off their feet visiting each community, getting the committees organised and putting training in place to make sure that every project works properly.  “Everyone is so eager to make this a success” he reports, “you would not believe the number of questions and the number of people willing to get involved to help their community.  Hope is contagious!”

This is the critical preparation phase, when we teach people how to select the right beneficiaries from within the poorest families in the community, and then teach the beneficiaries how to look after their animals.  A Kids for Kids Goat Loan, if it is well managed, will transform lives for a whole community.  You may know that we lend 6 goats to a family for immediate milk so that children no longer have to go to bed hungry, and the family has a chance of an income as the little flock grows.  After 2 years a carefully tended flock could be as large as 20 goats, and at this point 6 kids are passed on to another family, so the miracle starts all over again.  A new family is transformed every 2 years.

“We are heading towards my favourite time of year in Darfur” says Patricia our Founder.  “The rains are due any time now, and – if they come – the landscape will be transformed for a few short weeks.”  When the land turns green the goats have plenty to eat and have their kids.  But nothing is certain in Darfur!  It is a huge relief to know that our villages have saved hay this year, since the rains are already overdue.  Let’s pray they come soon, before the supplies run out.

We are about to buy 1,992 goats to help 332 families in our 8 new 2015 Kids for Kids Villages.  Can you help us please?

$62  / £38 provides a goat for nutritious milk to feed hungry children

$372  / £228 buys 6 goats for a family Goat Loan – the best microfinance ever!

$800  / £500 pays for training to make sure the projects last and last

$600  / £370 trains a paravet – there is no other animal care

$165  / £105 pays for 100 vaccinations to keep animals healthy

Thank you for your support!

Click here to find out how to donate now.  Thank you! 

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