KICS Swimathon – another fantastic achievement!

“The Annual KICS Senior Swim-a-thon was completed on Thursday, May 7th 2015. Students in Years 7-10 swam in honour of Kids for Kids, with money going towards building clean water access for children in Darfur. Students swam for 45 minutes while teachers counted the lengths they completed. We had music and snacks available once students completed their swim. A football tournament ran parallel to the swim event so females and males could swim separately. Students showed admirable spirit and commitment, with many swimming personal bests. They enjoyed the challenge and were inspired to partake in activity that their peers in Darfur would have enjoyed. All students in Years 7 -10 have contributed donations and a new record was set this year by a Year 8 student who collected 2502 SDG. In the end, students raised over 24,000 SDG. We are thrilled with their efforts and commend all students for their hard work and contributions. ”

Huge thanks from all of us at Kids for Kids.  You are such an inspiration!

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