Exciting news from Darfur for mothers who have been begging for kindergartens for their children

Exciting news from Darfur for mothers who have been begging for kindergartens for their children

Not only are the 2 new kindergartens now completed at Abu Degeise and Azagarfa, but despite the village of Um Gaal having been attacked, people have returned and are once again working to complete the walls around their new school.  It took some time to gather all the educational toys, equipment and outdoor activities for these Kindergartens, but the leaders came to our little office in El Fasher last week to collect everything.

“I found it particularly touching to think of the new uniforms in the colours of Kids for Kids – blue for the sky and yellow for the sand – and thinking of children having something new to wear for the first time in their lives.”  Said Patricia Parker our CEO.  “When visiting Darfur I have never seen a child in new clothes”.  Everything in Darfur is a hand-me-down until it looses its colour and becomes threadbare.

The only news coming out of Darfur at the moment has been about the surge in violence this year.  To be able to tell you of the success story of our kindergartens means a great deal.  Can you believe it, in our first kindergarten – which thanks to you we opened in October 2013 – the first school leavers are ready to move on to big school!  Just like elsewhere in the world, there will be a speech day and children will sing their hearts out.

Thank you everybody for making this possible.  We simply have to build more kindergartens to give these forgotten children a chance. (Don’t forget you could even adopt a whole school and have it named after you!)

$35 buys 20 bricks to build the next kindergarten

$50 will provide 20 story books

$150 pays for education for one child for one year

$1,600 will provide 2 blackboards for the classroom and educational toys & games

$42,000 provides an entire kindergarten – would your family, business, school or club like to sponsor one?

Thank you for your support.  

If you would like to donate now please click on the link!  Thank you.  Donate Now

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