Fishing Day – a Triumph!

Attendees of Kids for Kids Fly-Fishing Event enjoying their lunch

What a wonderful time everyone had at Park Lake, Albury, for the annual Kids for Kids’ Fishing Day last month!

Thanks to the Duke of Northumberland and Earl Percy, Kids for Kids had exclusive use of the beautiful lake for a memorable day – fishing, terrific lunch and delicious homemade cakes and treats, made by a host of volunteers.   And best of all, our Fishing Day raised £2,000.

It is especially poignant this year to raise this amount as the health service across Sudan has virtually collapsed.   Can you imagine how young mothers feel with no access to medical help?  Families are moving to our villages because we fund two midwives in every one of them.  There are 110 so far.  Midwives have never been needed more and now, with this £2,000, we can train another.

And the fishing?   It was terrific.  Held later than in past years the water was cooler – and the fish started following the flies.   15 beautiful rainbow trout were landed – the heaviest 2.5 lbs.    The day always starts with sizzling sausages and hot bacon buns and this year, Mandira’s Kitchen at Silent Pool provided hot biryani.   Of course, tea with homemade cakes was very welcome as the rain – which had stopped for lunch – set in.

Patricia Parker OBE, Founder of Kids for Kids, said “it was a pity that the charity’s new gazebo collapsed completely in the rain.   We will need a better and stronger one next year but that was the only casualty – everything else was perfect and everyone who came says they want to come next year!   Thank you to all who attended this fun event.   It’s so special to see people having a wonderful time – and to know that thanks to our fisher men (and women!) babies will be born safely in our villages.   A miracle indeed!  Our thanks to the Duke of Northumberland and the team at Albury Estate.   It is a really special event – and my favourite!”

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