News from America – Children at International School of Brooklyn Go that Extra Mile

Children at the International School of Brooklyn set us all a good example when they held their sixth Walk for Water.   They were determined to do something to help families in Darfur, inspired by a 6 year old American boy called Owen and between them they have raised thousands of dollars to provide clean water in the villages of Darfur.

“A handpump does not only provide clean water” said Patricia Parker during her visit to the school,”but water close at hand means that children can go to school.   Education is the way out of poverty and in Darfur not having to walk miles across the sand means women and children are no longer at risk of attack. ”

Since they went those extra miles round and round the block where their school is situated, funds have been pouring in.    To date they have raised a staggering $13,623 – the best yet!

ISB is a school that is going places.   In six years it has moved from a small six room building to a spacious centre in Brooklyn where there is a hive of activity.  Even the youngest children are taught in Spanish and French.   “The 9 year old whose 7 hour walk for water inspired the foundation of Kids for Kids only started school once we had installed our first handpump in his village.   He has found studying very hard because of starting school so late, but he is determined to succeed” said Patricia  “The children of ISB will not only be giving clean water to children, they are giving them a chance to go to school, and a better future. We are so grateful to Nancy Woodruff and her family, and the Parents’ Committee of ISB plus those wonderful inspirational teachers.     You set us all such a wonderful example.”

Rebecca founder of ISB with Delphine, Head of Junior School

Rebecca founder of ISB with Delphine, Head of Junior School

nancy-at-home-brooklyn thumbnail_img_2429 thumbnail_img_2449 warm-welcome

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