More Rain in Darfur than UK

With the recent heatwave in the UK, we can start to imagine just a little of what it must be like to live in Darfur. But can you imagine surviving that intense heat for many more weeks, months, years..?? With very little access to water…?
Incredibly, however, this month Darfur has had more rain than the UK!
Late July and early August tend to be the rainy season in Darfur and we are delighted that this year the rains have indeed come. Grass is growing, crops are flourishing, families will have food, animals will have fodder…
This picture was recently taken by our Darfur team and shows a green pasture in one of our newly adopted villages, Hillat Sabil – isn’t it just wonderful!
Now we just need to pray that there is no flooding…
But the green pastures really do bring hope for the future. Hope for children and their families, hope for their animals and, particularly, hope for the new villages we’ve adopted this year.
Now we can start purchasing Goats and Donkeys for these new villages. Soon we will be providing the poorest families in these villages five Goats each as part of our Goat Loan project and a Donkey to carry heavy loads. Mothers will be able to provide nourishing Goats milk for their starving children and have the prospect of an income too as they will be able to sell any excess milk. Can you imagine just how life-changing this will be for these families?
But, before we give these families their Goats and Donkeys, it is important, of courses, that we first train them in the care of these beautiful animals.
For the next few weeks, we will be undertaking Animal Husbandry Training in our new villages adopted this year.
Our Team in Darfur, including Dr. Azza Osman, an experienced Paravet, will be providing the training to all our Goat beneficiaries, Animal Loan Committee members and Child Shepherds, teaching them how to best graze their animals, provide water, shade and vaccinations, spot sickness, treat any abrasions or wounds, not over-burden donkeys and generally ensure their animals are healthy and well cared for so their little flocks will grow. After two years, each family will then repay their Goat Loan by passing on five Nanny Goats to another of the poorest families to benefit.
Here is Dr. Azza Osman showing the Trainees what to look out for in their Goats and discussing the endemic diseases in goats and donkeys, together with the treatment and control. There are many diseases that affect goats but the important ones to look out for are hemorrhagic septicemia, anthrax, rabies, Black quarter, pox, PPR and CCPP. All these diseases are epidemics which are very difficult to be treated so there are vaccinations used to prevent their spread. Dr. Azza also teaches the beneficiaries how to make cheese and yoghurt from goats milk.
Paravets are the link between their community, our Programme Manager and the Ministry of Animal Resources and we really could not successful introduce our life-saving Animal Projects without them.
Please could you help us keep our animals healthy?
Perhaps you could help us provide further Animal Husbandry Training for just £25 or would you be able to Sponsor a Paravet today?
We would be so very grateful – thank you.


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