Archbishop of Wales Honours Kids for Kids

Patricia Parker MBE, Kids for Kids Founder and CEO, was welcomed to Brecon Cathedral on Saturday 15th for a Service honouring the charities chosen to benefit from the Archbishop’s 2018 Lent Appeal. The Archbishop of Wales, John Davies,  welcomed representatives from Faith in Families, Hay, Brecon & Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees, and Carers Wales,for the service celebrating the World Mission of the Church and – Kids for Kids! – affirming their Commitment to Service.

“I was thrilled the Archbishop chose to support Kids for Kids this year,” said Patricia Parker. “It has been one of the hardest years in Darfur that I have ever known.  Families endure lives of enormous deprivation but when drought and famine hit them they have little resilience. The magnificent sum of £2,466. 50 raised by the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon during their Lent Appeal for all the churches in the diocese has enabled us to help families in dire need who have had no access to food all year. What a beautiful service.    It was a privilege hearing about the amazing work carried out by the other charities too.   Thank you everyone in Wales.   A special thank you to the Reverend Paul Shackerley, Dean of Brecon Cathedral, for recommending Kids for Kids to The Bishop.   This means a great deal to me”.

If any church would like to support Kids for Kids this Harvest Season, we would be thrilled to hear from you. Do read our Harvest Appeal to find out more about why families need our help right now during the Hungry Months.

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