
All charities display a disclaimer regarding the use to which your donations are put.

It is our policy to provide everything for which you have donated as described. In the unlikely event that an item is over-subscribed or unavailable, we will replace it with something similar and equally vital.

Complaints Procedure

Should you at any time wish to make a complaint regarding Kids for Kids or its personnel, or anyone associated with it, please contact our Trustees:

Patricia Parker MBE, Founder, CEO & Chairman of Trustees – patricia@kidsforkids.org.uk

Nadia Giske, Trustee – nadia@kidsforkids.org.uk

Alastair King Smith, Trustee – alastair@kidsforkids.org.uk

Telephone: 07957 206440

Kids for Kids takes all complaints very seriously.  We respect and value those people we are assisting in Darfur as well as all staff, full or part time, consultants, volunteers and anyone associated with the charity.  We do our best to produce documents of the highest quality and integrity and do all we can to ensure clarity and veracity.